The Twisted World of Pixie's fan fiction                                                        

Welcome to the Pixie's dumb old writings web site.

Welcome one and all to my Hanson Fan Fiction site. This is such a lame attempt at a web page, but hey, I tried! Below, you will find my newest story. It has yet to be named, for I can NEVER think of names. I have been writing fan fiction for a long time now. Some of you long-time readers may remember a story titled
Long Standing Greivences. I understand if you wouldn't but for those of you who do, that was me. I took it down quite a while back because I got tired of writing it. Since then I have written SEVERAL stories, none of which I have put up.  My writing can be cheesy, and dumb, but such is life.  Respect my works, don't steal. A disclaimer for all of my stories: THEY ARE ALL FAKE. Every aspect, except a few names, and maybe places, are fake. Don't take it seriously!
Well, good luck, and read on.

Introduction   |   Chapter 1   |   Chapter 2   |   Chapter 3   |   Chapter 4   |   Chapter 5   |   Chapter 6   |   Chapter 7   |   Chapter 8   |   Chapter 9   |   Chapter 10   |   Other Stories I may have   |   Contact Me